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Übersetzungen für exaptation im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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exaptation (in evolution) BIO

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In exaptation a structure originally used for one purpose is modified for a new one.
This points to the exaptation of an original biomineralization pathway.
The phenomenon (which scientists call exaptation) unlocks doors in human innovation as well.
The panda's thumb is often cited as a classical example of exaptation, where a trait evolved for one purpose is commandeered for another.
It is important to avoid confusion of the concept of vestigiality with that of exaptation.
In fact, the theory of evolution proffers exaptation as a well-recognized, well-documented explanation for how systems with multiple parts could have evolved through natural means.
However, in this species, the head has become so flattened that it assists in gliding from tree to treean exaptation.
Since the essential requirements for cave life were probably already present prior to the settlement of these habitats, this may be described as exaptation.
Specifically, calcium-based minerals were stored in cartilage and bone was an exaptation development from this calcified cartilage.
It stems from the belief that language development could result from an adaptation, an exaptation, or a by-product.

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