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Übersetzungen für fang im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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fang [fæŋ] SUBST

fang of a dog, wolf
Fang m <-(e)s, Fän·ge>
fang of a dog, wolf
Fangzahn m <-(e)s, -zähne>
fang of a snake
Giftzahn m <-(e)s, -zähne>
fang of a vampire

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

fang of a vampire

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The tip is a pointed fang, which has an opening from a venom gland.
The fronts of the maxillary bones are very short, supporting only one pair of recurved fangs.
Both faces appear to be frowning, with the larger featuring two lower large fangs and two upper blunted teeth.
His teeth and nails are essentially fangs and talons which can tear through human flesh with relative ease.
The third and fourth mandibular teeth are large and fang-like.
The victors take the fangs of the losers as trophies.
The snake is highly variable, typically non-venomous (some have enlarged rear fangs and toxin saliva) with large, regular scales on head.
Fang has serpent eyes, a snake's tongue and large fangs filled with venom.
She grows pale and weak, but rallies after sunset, and also begins to sport tiny fangs.
Their skin is almost black, and large fangs emerge from their snout-like mouth.

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