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Übersetzungen für field glasses im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfield glasses SUBST Pl

Fernglas nt <-(e)s, -gläser>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A cap, extra large field glasses, comfortable walking shoes and a lot of patience.
Looking through his field glasses he can see that most of the barbed wire is intact.
The occupants were watching through field glasses.
Their field glasses were popular as parting gifts to military officers.
She says that he followed her into the cave and tried to grab her, and that she fended him off by swinging her field glasses at him.
Buttons and field glasses burned the skin.
Luckily we had some field glasses, and we watched it for 40 minutes swimming around in the loch.
At the top was an enclosed cab complete with a map, field glasses and the telephone.
Tires used to be hung up so high, you almost needed field glasses to read their specs.
Scenes appear flattened through field glasses, even non-prismatic ones without artificial extension of the base, which provide merely overall magnification and leave the "r" value unchanged.

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