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Übersetzungen für fig leaf im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfig leaf SUBST

Feigenblatt nt <-(e)s, -blätter>
fig leaf übtr
Tarnung f <-, -en>
fig leaf übtr
Feigenblatt nt <-(e)s, -blätter>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Are we doing more than trying to hide our nakedness with a fig leaf when we take the view expressed by a friend who belonged to a fundamental religious sect?
The world has come a long way since then, and now a fig leaf need not be literal.
The sculptor suggested that he was not even sure what a fig leaf looked like, an often suggested addition, and no coverage was requested during the commission.
Today, the fig leaf is no longer used, but it is displayed in a case at the back of the cast's plinth.
Noble patronage was, at the very least, the legal fig leaf that allowed professional players to function in society.
This review is just such a fig leaf.
Planning is already becoming a token fig leaf at the local level, and investment in transport is becoming centralised.
Instead, opponents of this strategy argue for something far more demeaning, the fig leaf for the collaborationist.
In the context of negotiation, an offer might be characterized as a fig leaf if that offer is actually a ploy to conceal a sinister plan.
But the judges in their wisdom have allowed perpetrators to go free based on this legal fig leaf.

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