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Übersetzungen für frostiness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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frosti·ness [ˈfrɒstɪnəs, Am ˈfrɑ:st-] SUBST no pl

1. frostiness (of weather):


2. frostiness:

frostiness (unfriendliness)
frostiness (of atmosphere)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Which is a recipe for continued international frostiness.
I'm somewhat convinced that the fashionableness of frostiness is feeding off a society stunted by screens and cynicism and fear.
But he always avoids the impression of frostiness, which is one of his great gifts.
For all her initial frostiness there is a sweetness to her.
She told me that her frostiness was really because she was coming off an ugly divorce and was really just distracted.
I thought there'd be a bit of frostiness, but not at all.
In later years, when the frostiness had thawed, acquaintances were renewed and a new kind of friendship forged.
All the frostiness melts away, the band exchange affectionate nods and smiles, playing out of their skins.
We wanted his words to evoke the bleak frostiness of the album, and he totally nails the vibe.
He had a way with people which broke down pomposity and frostiness, built bridges and made friends out of strangers.

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