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Übersetzungen für gherkins im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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gher·kin [ˈgɜ:kɪn, Am ˈgɜ:r-] SUBST

Essiggurke f <-, -n>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Cucumbers, gherkins, pumpkins and melons can also be encouraged to climb.
Then eat with some pickled gherkins on the side.
If you wish, accompany with gherkins, pickled onions and mustard.
The relish ingredients comprise carrots, celery, gherkins, red peppers and mustard in a finely diced spreadable form.
I garnished it gaily with strips of pimento and thin crescents of lemon and gherkins and curly endive.
Among these products, the gherkins are at the top.
I have quested amid the jars of olives and gherkins and capers; searched in vain where the cassoulet and confit roam.
He then spreads it on both sides of a warm sliced organic bread bun, adds thin slices of apple and pickled gherkins.
The main ingredients are: potato cooked with jacket, canned peas, onions, cooked carrots, parsley and celery, pickled gherkins, cooked eggs and mayonnaise.
Common additional ingredients are finely cut gherkins, radishes, parsley or chives.

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