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Übersetzungen für gradation im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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gra·da·tion [grəˈdeɪʃən, Am greɪˈ-] SUBST

1. gradation (stage, step):

Abstufung f <-, -en>

2. gradation (marking):

Skalierung f <-, -en>

3. gradation KUNST, MUS (change):

Übergang m <-s, -gänge>
the gradation in [or of] tempo/colour
der Tempo-/Farbübergang m

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

the gradation in [or of] tempo/colour

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The picture shows a luxuriantly vegetated wood with varying gradations of greenery.
Particularly effective is the combination of hard breaks between colors from one shape to the next with gradations between colors within a shape.
The most common gradations of badger hair are pure badger, best badger, and super or silvertip badger.
Between black and white, we are able to detect only a limited number of shades of gray, or colour gradations.
The initial light exposure is carefully controlled to produce a gray scale image on the paper with appropriate contrast and gradation.
These supply and demand interactions result in a gradation of wage levels within society that significantly influence economic inequality.
The denser ingredients (cassis or grenadine) settle, creating gradations in color that mimic a sunrise.
Different materials were tested in producing lithographs and early photographs, with steady improvement in producing detailed gradation.
Its effect is based on its contrast with the fourth period and on the gradation of the most tender nuances in piano.
The raw materials are powdered into 16 gradations from fine to sandy grain textures.

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