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Übersetzungen für greenfly im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈgreen·fly <pl - [or -flies]> SUBST esp Brit

Blattlaus f <-, -läuse>
to have greenfly plant

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to have greenfly plant

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Rather than feasting on aphids and greenfly, the harlequin also eats lacewings, hoverflies and even other ladybirds.
Apart from greenfly and blackfly the main problem with runner beans is finding the time to water them every day.
That ecosystem all went swimmingly until the greenfly population in our playroom exploded, requiring a wholesale fumigation of the ground floor.
Aphids (black or greenfly) can be a problem.
The insects are natural predators for a range of pests that plague gardens and farms, including greenfly, caterpillars and flies.
Now the weather is warm you may notice greenfly and blackfly on plants, particularly fruit trees and ornamentals like roses and herbaceous plants - these are aphids.
That's because the insects are natural predators for a range of pests that plague gardens and farms -- including greenfly, caterpillars and flies.
Among the winners are the bulging eye of a greenfly magnified through an electron microscope and the papillae that create the rough surface of a cat's tongue.
A scanning electron micrograph of a greenfly (aphid) eye.
Aphids - for which greenfly and blackfly are colloquial terms - reproduce extremely quickly with females producing around 50 live young in one brood.

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