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Übersetzungen für grid square im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈgrid square SUBST

Planquadrat nt <-(e)s, -e>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Methodology was kept simple: atlassers used maps to determine or locate a one degree grid square and then recorded all species of birds seen within it.
It pulls two cores at each of three stops, totalling six cores for every 2.5 acre grid square.
The grid square we were covering was full of tussock grass and very boggy which made for very torturous conditions.
It is located in grid square.
Each coordinate thereafter doesn't need to use the grid square since it is already defined.
The plotting table consisted of a large map with grid squares and posts being marked.
There are 331,920 such grid squares containing at least some land (at low tide).
Click on a given grid square and the visitor is immediately plunged into an area map speckled with individual excavation sites.
Increases (red squares) and decreases (blue) are in average number of events per season in each 100km grid square.
In most cases, this is a fight to the death, and the winner moves in to occupy the grid square after the combat.

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