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Übersetzungen für mail slot im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈmail slot SUBST Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I painted the door to my home office dark green and put in outdoor-style hardware like locks, a knocker and a mail slot.
She put some into the palm of her hand and blew it into the inside of the building through the mail slot.
There is a mail slot at the church where cash donations can be dropped off at anytime.
Slid through the office's shin-high metal mail slot, they're creased and lumpy, as though they've been stuffed in a trunk for a while.
When peering through the mail slot finds that she has transformed into a monstrous, zombie-like creature (though originally thinking she was drunk).
The best option, he said, may be having a mail slot on your front door instead of a mailbox.
A friend knocks, the phone rings, the mail clunks through the mail slot.
Your "public key" is like the mail slot key.
She can still see shapes and a few colours, but describes her overall vision as like looking through a mail slot.
The plan contained a single vertical circulation core with four elevators, a mail slot, and staircase.

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