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mold·er VERB intr Am

molder → moulder

mould·er, Am mold·er [ˈməʊldəʳ, Am ˈmoʊldɚ] VERB intr

moulder away, Am molder away VERB intr

moulder, molder SUBST

moulder [or Am molder] übtr wörtl
Former m
moulder [or Am molder] (job)
Gießer(in) mf
to be a moulder [or Am molder] of sth übtr

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to be a moulder [or Am molder] of sth übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The excitement gets stronger when you find yourself wandering practically alone through a labyrinth of moldering mansions, small eateries and bursts of hibiscus.
It is also used of grain which (molders and) flies away.
There was one 1 minister, one molder, two blacksmiths and four mechanics.
Staring with coalblack eyes at the man in his rags and on a crude cedarwood pike the halfeaten taco moldering.
They leave a legacy of moldering anxieties, guilt and self-assessed failures.
Although he came from a background as an iron molder and union representative, he came to be seen as an enemy of organized labour because of these events.
Many more rolls of palm-leaf manuscripts remain uncollected, and are moldering in monasteries across the country without proper care as well as under attack by unscrupulous treasure hunters.
He attended the public schools, and from the age of fourteen until he was nineteen was employed as an iron molder.
It was a good year to be a custom or contract molder.
Collapsed roofs, moldering wood, peeling paint -- these are the details he lovingly captures with whatever camera he has on hand.

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