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Übersetzungen für morning-after pill im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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morn·ing-ˈaf·ter pill SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We do the stereotypical straight hit it, pass out, quit it with no morning-after pill and all the walk-of-shame embarrassment.
The very existence of birth control, condoms and the morning-after pill proves this.
So from time to time, a woman may need emergency contraception, known as the morning-after pill.
If fertilisation has not occurred then an embryo has not been created and therefore the morning-after pill is not preventing implantation.
Of course, the morning-after pill is not a substitute for condoms.
Yet over the same period, access to all forms of contraception has become very much easier, and the morning-after pill is readily available.
It is now known that one dose of the drug contained super-strength hormones that, later, would be used in the morning-after pill.
The longer you wait to take the morning-after pill, the less likely it is to work.
The morning-after pill is a progesterone-based pill that stops the body from ovulating and makes the uterus wall lining hostile.
It effectively provides a conscience-clause, enabling pharmacists not to supply the morning-after pill.

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