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Übersetzungen für mortgage lending im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After completing military service in 1971, he worked in the oil and natural gas leasing business, was a realtor, sold insurance, and worked in mortgage lending.
Predatory mortgage lending is when a dishonest financial institution willfully misleads or deceives the consumer.
Mortgage lending from the main trading banks is the primary driving force behind credit expansion and runaway house prices.
However, business lending as a whole is substantially more diverse and complex than personal and residential mortgage lending.
First, during late 2007, over 100 mortgage lending companies went bankrupt as subprime mortgage-backed securities could no longer be sold to investors to acquire funds.
The federal government created several programs, or government sponsored entities, to foster mortgage lending, construction and encourage home ownership.
This secondary mortgage market increases the supply of money available for mortgage lending and increases the money available for new home purchases.
He wrote that the risks inherent in mortgage lending became so widely dispersed that no one was forced to worry about the quality of any single loan.
Building societies offer banking and related financial services, especially mortgage lending.
Steady gains in house prices and household incomes are expected to fuel more mortgage lending.

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