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Übersetzungen für niter im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ni·ter SUBST Am

niter → nitre

ni·tre, Am ni·ter [ˈnaɪtəʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST no pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The head was large and contained niter, charcoal and wood dust, and had a phosphorus tip.
Finally, the water was boiled off leaving niter crystals usable, after drying, for making gunpowder.
Because of its ready solubility in water, niter is most often found in arid environments.
In addition, it has been used to describe some forms of quartzite, bauxite, kaolinite, laterite, chalcedony, opal, and soda niter.
This process converted the calcium nitrate into potassium nitrate or niter.
However, the process to obtain niter, the mineral form of potassium nitrate, was difficult, and he did not know how to prepare gunpowder from the raw materials.
Niter for the manufacture of gunpowder, copper, lead, iron, coal, zinc, and other such materials as might be required for the prosecution of the war.
When alum and niter and other chemicals are mixed together one gets "ching thung": green bronze.
In making a rocket, it requires veteran specialist who can calculate proper proportion of niter and charcoal, otherwise, the rocket will be explode during the launching.
It occurs as a mineral niter and is a natural solid source of nitrogen.

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