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Übersetzungen für nitpick im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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nit·pick [ˈnɪtpɪk] VERB intr ugs

nitpick (quibble)
nitpick (find fault)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In space, you don't get that much noise, a quote that is highly cited in the news and misconstrued as him nitpicking or panning the film.
Next comes a lot of nitpicking and rearranging.
Fortunately for our nastier selves... this provides us with plenty to criticise and nitpick over.
Reviewers noted that some fans may still nitpick certain errors in the new translation.
And more nitpicking like that which means he was very attentive and careful about music.
Fortunately later flight scenes capture the wonder and excitement, so this is yet another nitpick of mine.
Of course, if you want to start nitpicking, there are plenty of instances to call out.
Entering politics necessarily means you are in for an endless road of nitpicking and scrutiny, your every move dissected and hot-taked.
As much as you can nitpick its shortcomings, it's still deserving of respect.
Criticisms ranged from accusing the playwright of impiety, to nitpicking over the perceived lack of realism in certain scenes.

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