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Übersetzungen für nocebo effect im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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nocebo effect [nəˈsi:bəʊ -, Am -boʊ -] SUBST MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The nocebo effect can be defined as a negative effect that occurs after receiving treatment (therapy, medication), even when the treatment is inert (inactive, sham).
Primary mechanisms of the nocebo effect that are often discussed include negative suggestions and expectations.
The nocebo effect occurs when the expectation of adverse health effects leads to increased reporting of symptoms.
The potential danger of the nocebo effect is relevant to debates on informed consent law, patient autonomy as well as medical care for health professionals.
The subject-expectancy effect is most commonly found in medicine, where it can result in the subject experiencing the placebo effect or nocebo effect, depending on how the influence pans out.
This is the nocebo effect, where worrying about something causes the problems that may have been described or found on the internet.
I was able to track down that story about nocebo effect.
One possibility is the nocebo effect, or simply, the influence of a person's expectations or perceptions of how something might affect them.
Scientists refer to this as the nocebo effect, and it means that careful studies are necessary to distinguish between poisons and poisonous beliefs.
Self-report studies can also be vulnerable to the nocebo effect.

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