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Übersetzungen für onslaught im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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on·slaught [ˈɒnslɔ:t, Am ˈɑ:nslɑ:t] SUBST

1. onslaught also übtr (attack):

Ansturm m <-(e)s, -stürme>
to withstand an onslaught
an onslaught on sb

2. onslaught (large amount):

onslaught of
Unmenge f an +Dat/von +Dat

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to withstand an onslaught

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Due to health concerns and the onslaught of disease, some medical centers reached maximum capacity.
They easily took the spur, the defenders not waiting for the onslaught of the mounted charge.
With the castle becoming involved in the fighting, the garrison occupying it readied themselves against an onslaught by the king's forces.
The surprise onslaught wounded 5 members of a 6-man squad caught in the direct path of the enemy's thrust.
The westerners survived a late onslaught to secure a 2-11 to 2-8 victoy.
The vocals also set in onslaught; this can make a background vocal chopped, reversed, reverbed, delayed, phased and distorted.
The mid-19th century whaling onslaught occurred before there was much scientific interest in whale behavior, and included no scientific observation.
Onslaught is one of them (the others are not named).
Player can try to assemble all the pages to end the zombie onslaught.
The country continued to function for war despite the aerial onslaught.

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