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over·ex·ˈcit·ed ADJ usu präd

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

the children are overexcited

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Off camera, though, it's a patchier affair, in places somewhat hysterical - as opposed to hysterically funny - and all a bit overexcited.
The trap is getting overexcited about land prices and spending money that you hope you're going to get in the future.
The clumsiest of the bunch, he sometimes gets overexcited and acts before thinking.
So the markets are basically a collection of overexcited young men and women, desperate to make money by guessing what everyone else in the market will do.
We don't overexcited about certain things, and we don't get down about the other stuff that's out there.
If your dog starts getting restless or overexcited, take him away from people and into a separate room.
We need a sensitivity room -- because our kids get overexcited and confused in a big gymnasium.
Two of the lads aren't shy when stripping off for a swim, causing one of the ladies to get very overexcited.
It may be caused by increased neural activity in the auditory brainstem where the brain processes sounds, causing some auditory nerve cells to become overexcited.
Do not get overexcited and begin to imagine discarding your medicines.

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