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Übersetzungen für parish council im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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par·ish ˈcoun·cil SUBST Brit

Gemeinderat m <-(e)s, -räte>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Hospitals and schools were also built, as well as a parish council, veterinary hospital, vicarage, and a rural council building.
The parish is too small to have a parish council, and instead has a parish meeting.
Accordingly, every appointed member of the clergy, such as a parish priest, faces a parish council that consists of elected members.
Instead of a parish council it has a parish meeting; this is due to the very small population of the parish.
Planning proposals and village growth increased the workload of the parish council, who found it necessary to hold monthly meetings.
The parish council comprises thirteen councillors with elections being held every four years.
The civil parish council meets monthly to administer local government resources, funding and planning community events and facilities.
Parish council meetings are held in the village hall situated in each civil parish.
He became in 1932 the youngest clerk of a parish council in the country, following the death of his father.
A parish council can become a town council unilaterally, simply by resolution.

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