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Übersetzungen für phony im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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pho·ny ADJ Am

phony → phoney

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Gold found it endemic of endless phony dully event stunts that he had been criticizing for over a decade.
In 1994, he was found guilty of welfare fraud for operating a phony billing scheme.
It acquired its name by being a prominent landmark just south of a phony diamond deposit in the diamond hoax of 1872.
They also featured phony news stories about everyday things.
A phony version of the album was leaked on file sharing networks simultaneously to the actual album's promotional leak.
In the light of the world as we know it in the seventies, it all sounded so follow, so phony, so naive, he wrote.
Within the system, he s a pitiful nothing, unable to speak without a teleprompter, an affirmative-action phony doomed to inevitable defeat.
Phony vanity awards prey on small businesses who are trying to make their companies stand out in their industry.
In an interview the band cited that the live album was essentially made up of studio outtakes that were overdubbed with phony cheering and applause.
He then sold shares of the phony company to fellow inmates and others.

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