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Übersetzungen für ploughshares im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈplough·share, Am ˈplow·share SUBST

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to beat one's swords into ploughshares Sprichw liter
die Waffen schweigen lassen geh Sprichw
to beat one's swords into ploughshares Sprichw liter

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to beat one's swords into ploughshares Sprichw liter
to beat [or turn]swords into ploughshares

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Ploughshare tortoises, of which there are fewer than 200 left in the wild, are among those on sale at the event.
The ploughshare tortoise is considered among the rarest species in the world, with just 400 individuals believed to be found in the wild.
They are similar in form and habits to other chimaeras, but are distinguished by the presence of an elongated, flexible, fleshy snout, with a vague resemblance to a ploughshare.
The ploughshare weighs almost two pounds and is dug into the body into a broken shoulder bone.
The ploughshare represents agriculture, while the oak twig stands for the mixed forest that covers roughly a fourth (about 100 ha) of the municipal area.
There are only about 400 ploughshare tortoises left in the wild.
These included cast iron, the ploughshare, the stirrup, gunpowder, printing, the magnetic compass and clockwork escapements, most of which were thought at the time to be western inventions.
The shipment includes a stunning number of ploughshare tortoises, of which there are only a few hundred left in the wild, making it one of the world's rarest tortoise species.
The ploughshare spread the cut horizontally below the surface, so when the mouldboard lifted it, a wider area of soil was turned over.
At another time, the ploughshare struck against the ring of a cauldron, which contained treasure.

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