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Übersetzungen für propeller shaft im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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pro·ˈpel·ler shaft SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The gearbox is directly behind the engine, and a tubular propeller shaft, under the transmission tunnel, transmits the drive to a solid live rear axle.
It drove one propeller shaft using steam provided by two boilers.
The propeller shaft passed through the fan's central plate, which was made of cast magnesium.
This drove a fixed-pitch wooden propeller via a spur reduction gear which conveniently raised the propeller shaft high on the nose.
However, that evening her propeller shaft fractured, leaving her drifting helplessly.
She had two 3-cylinder vertical triple-expansion steam engines, each driving one propeller shaft.
Between the gearbox and the differential, the propeller shaft had now been separated into two parts with three couplings.
This is effective as long as the drive train is intact -- propeller shaft, differential, and axle shafts.
Eagle s propeller shaft can be de-clutched from the engine so the propeller can freewheel, thus lessening drag while under sail.
Forged steel is used for some ship parts, such as the propeller shaft support.

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