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Übersetzungen für queasiness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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quea·si·ness [ˈkwi:zɪnəs] SUBST no pl

1. queasiness (sickness):

Übelkeit f <-, -en>
a queasiness in one's stomach

2. queasiness (irritability):


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a queasiness in one's stomach

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is sometimes queasiness about wealth among progressives who critique the excessive, one-sided rewards to the owners of capital in this economic system.
We should not let the differing time frames or a queasiness about metaphor conceal this mysterious world from us.
So, queasiness or ickiness may well be the main feeling-reaction of onlookers.
The chemo queasiness cost him about 10 pounds the first week, but that was it.
Arsenal fans are experiencing an all-too familiar queasiness as around the roundabout they go.
Consumers who drink water contaminated by such bacteria will suffer symptoms of upset stomachs including stomach aches, food-poisoning, diarrhoea and queasiness.
For some, a quickened heart rate or a slight feeling of queasiness is enough to let them know they're getting anxious or overwhelmed.
Chewing these leaves alleviates queasiness for arriving passengers experiencing altitude sickness.
Any first-person game that requires me to move my character with a controller instantly results in queasiness.
The first, noted above, was political queasiness with the increased casualty rates and subsequent meddling in the operation itself.

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