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Übersetzungen für ransomware im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ransomware COMPUT
ransomware COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The company's studies also found some smart phones may become infected with ransomware, she said.
Ransomware is evolving and that's bad news for just about everybody except cyber-thieves.
There are numerous strategies for safeguarding against ransomware.
Moreover, the ever-present threat of data-corrupting malware and ransomware means that synchronizing to the cloud no longer offers adequate protection against data loss.
The transaction results in a ransomware virus infecting the deal broker's laptop, which contains the only copy of the database.
Add to these exploits a range of new techniques that use social networks to establish trust, more use of in-memory attacks and ransomware.
Our smart devices and wearables hold plenty of personal information which could lead to new opportunities for ransomware attacks.
An organisation's ability to recover quickly from any ransomware infection will be greatly enhanced by having effective business continuity mechanisms available and free from infection.
In the event of your system being infected with ransomware, don't give up hope or pay any ransom.
Ransomware affects an infected computer in some way, and demands payment to reverse the damage.

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