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Übersetzungen für rehouse im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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re·house [ˌri:ˈhaʊz] VERB trans usu passive

to rehouse sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The fate of the village had been expected and the residents were rehoused by the company.
In the second act of the film, the three friends, now 18, are rehoused in cottages on a farm.
By 2009 over 100 residents had been rehoused together into a neighbourhood nearby which they had helped to design.
Only 11% of those displaced would be rehoused in public housing.
The animals were rehoused in a purpose built building in 1994.
Their demand was to be rehoused in the area in low-rent housing.
These building schemes were designed to rehouse those displaced by urban slum clearance, by which thousands of tenements were demolished.
This was rehoused in its current location around 1984.
After the incident, a petition was launched and was signed by 643 residents who wished to be rehoused.
He proposed that their inhabitants be rehoused in new developments on the periphery of the city.

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