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Übersetzungen für reserve price im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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re·ˈserve price SUBST

price reserve SUBST FINMKT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The items are auctioned, usually without a reserve price, and the resulting amount (less auctioneer fees) is paid to the creditor.
The reserve price is not disclosed publicly and a winning auction bid is only considered a sale if the reserve price is met.
The reserve price was fixed without the guidance of a qualified valuer at $1.2m.
The only bid on this block of spectrum did not meet the minimum reserve price, and thus the shared network was never realized.
When they had finished, the apartments were auctioned off individually, and the couples got whatever money they made over the reserve price.
However, his reserve price of $600,000 was not met, so he did not sell at auction.
The reserve price may be "fixed" or "discretionary".
When he did act, he blundered by initially cutting the reserve price to just 700 cents a kilogram and guaranteeing it.
The card sold to an anonymous collector for $45,231, over six times the reserve price.
However, her reserve price of $435,000 was not met, and she was not sold at auction.

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