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Übersetzungen für rugby tackle im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One of the passers-by tried to rugby tackle one of the raiders and there was a struggle before he got away.
The guide goes on to say that a rugby tackle or single blow would probably amount to reasonable force after a chase.
It's lie a rugby tackle but 30% softer.
The rugby tackle that was too high.
There is a clear distinction between body checking and the like, out around minefield, and a pre-meditated rugby tackle that prevents a scoring opportunity.
And yes, players can tackle each other -- it's something between a soccer tackle and a rugby tackle.
If your lady friends think it's fun and not below their dignity to rugby tackle each other for a wilted posy symbolising their desperation to get married, then go ahead!
The guy in his mid-20s in a wheelchair - you wonder was it a car crash, a rugby tackle or a collapsed scrum?
The energetic midfielder just gave away a free-kick for what looked a bit like a rugby tackle.
Now the big thing now is the rugby tackle, right?

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