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Übersetzungen für rummage sale im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈrum·mage sale SUBST esp Am

Flohmarkt m <-(e)s, -märkte>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is the first time, though, when we've known we're in a rummage sale.
Do you need someone to organize a rummage sale, a fundraising committee, an event, a breakfast club or a conference?
The rummage sale begins, and the items on sale seem to be having an unexpected effect on those that buy them.
The rummage sale is the first of two children's museum events this weekend.
She arranges to sell everything that she owns and empties the house of all her luxurious items for a rummage sale.
They are having a rummage sale, bake sale, and penny sale from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
You may also have a container that you will want to donate to your church or that you will save for a rummage sale.
On the way, he stops at a rummage sale and ends up buying some kittens.
On entering, my first impression was one of confusion -- a sort of rummage sale confusion.
Anyway, rummage sale purchases don't usually break the bank, even if they turn out to have been a mistake.

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