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Übersetzungen für shale gas im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The industry agreed figure of 1/3 of 1 per cent of revenue to counties is risible and risks delaying shale gas exploitation.
There are two potentially large shale gas fields.
The process heats oil shale in a sealed horizontal segmented vessel (retort) causing its decomposition into shale oil, oil shale gas and spent residue.
Crystalline silica is used in hydraulic fracturing of formation which contain tight oil and shale gas, a use which presents a health hazard to workers.
To supply heat, gases (including produced oil shale gas) and carbonaceous spent residue (char) are burnt within the retort.
The size of recoverable resource is made difficult by the uncertainty of the percentage, usually small, of shale gas in place that is recoverable.
With coal bed methane and shale gas you're using such high pressures that you are forcing the pollutants out into the groundwater.
However, according to some analysts, the federal programs had planted the seeds of the coming shale gas boom.
Distilled shale oil and oil shale gas were collected through 300 mm perforated pipes.
However, the study does not discuss how pervasive such contamination might be in other areas drilled for shale gas.

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