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Übersetzungen für shredded wheat im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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shred·ded wheat [Am ˌʃredɪdˈ(h)wi:t] SUBST Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Historically, trademarks owned by other corporations had become generic words, such as shredded wheat and thermos, lost as the exclusive property of their originators.
It has a delectable nutty centre and is rolled up in a pastry that resembles shredded wheat.
The grain then passes through a set of rollers with grooves in one side, yielding a web of shredded wheat strands.
A good bowl of oatmeal or shredded wheat could make all the difference.
He constructed an entirely new system for baking, handling and packing shredded wheat biscuits.
But the foundational experience is wholesome -- shredded wheat for the mind.
Simple breakfast foods like porridge, shredded wheat, even homemade pancakes with syrup are going to be healthier than processed cereal.
One is better off buying rolled oats (not the instant variety) or 100 per cent shredded wheat and adding some fresh fruit, skim milk, and maybe a zero calorie sweetener.

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