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Übersetzungen für skin flick im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈskin flick SUBST ugs

Porno m <-s, -s> ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The magazine devotes five pages to the former administrative secretary who was let go earlier this month after a student recognized her from one of her skin flicks.
Skin flicks help tech triumph, and formats without them flop.
Meanwhile, it's all hot as you hold the edges when you cut- a hot skin flick.
However, most of the offers that she received were largely of similar skin flicks.
However, this controversy and protests only helped serve as a manner of promotion, helping the famous skin flick gross profits in the hundreds of millions.
Because of the unprecedented nature of this type of film, they were able to cater to the drive-in theater market which would have been inaccessible with their prior skin flicks.
When his school makes laptops compulsory, he becomes a bona fide addict, consuming up to eight hours of skin flicks a day.

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