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Übersetzungen für slickly im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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slick·ly [ˈslɪkli] ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The campaign website was slickly designed and stuffed with promises that this new approach would revolutionize student life, and the voters said yes please.
On a preview tour, my experience was of a bold series of 20 galleries slickly fitted with at times breathtakingly immersive technology-driven displays.
If the former school principal was expecting a slickly-run operation in his new classroom, he was very much mistaken.
Even so, their several individual numbers are done too slickly, too mechanistically.
As slickly paced as a big-studio espionage movie, it nearly succeeds as a pure adrenaline-rush thriller.
Putting an end to the silent salesman of the slickly-designed, colourful tobacco packaging is a crucial step towards making cigarettes less appealing to children.
Everything is slickly presented, and it won't take long for anyone with experience of using design apps to create ads using the program.
And how odd that a film that attacks boy bands for creating oily, slickly promoted mass-market fare should be guilty of those same sins.
One slickly produced television ad tells students "to join the community of minds that craves to learn," as three teenagers assemble an electrical circuit board.
He further states that it all seems rushed and comes off slickly, with little conviction.

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