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Übersetzungen für slob im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . slob [slɒb, Am slɑ:b] SUBST abw ugs

Gammler(in) m (f) <-s, -> ugs abw
Sandler(in) m (f) <-s, -> A oft abw ugs

II . slob [slɒb, Am slɑ:b] VERB intr

to slob around [or about]
herumgammeln abw ugs
to slob around [or about]
herumsandeln oft abw A ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are marvels that could turn us all into physical and mental slobs.
Friendly, cheerful, but a bit of a slob.
He also described the protesters as a different breed of person and a bunch of slobs taking up the building.
Know if one of you is a slob and the other is a neat freak.
He is also a slob and tends to forget things and make messes.
How did an everyday slob like me tag and bag such a robo-babe?
He may seem like a slob at home, but he dresses quite professionally when he goes out, often wearing suits when he goes to work.
Yes it has been proven that being a slob has some merit!?
He has also described himself as a fat slob who spends approximately eight hours a day on the internet searching for war news.
While she is professional and diligent in her duties, she is a slob and a drunkard while off-duty.

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