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Übersetzungen für snowfalls im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsnow·fall SUBST

2. snowfall (snowstorm):

Schneefall m <-(e)s, -fälle>
heavy/light snowfalls

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

heavy/light snowfalls

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Winter snowfall averages about 14 inches, but the median is less than 10 in.
More water from the poles enters the atmosphere and condenses as ice or snowfall in the cooler equatorial regions.
The glacier is maintained by the high snowfall rates in the region, not the cold temperatures.
Snowfall rates reached 2 to 4 inches per hour.
Winters tend to be cold and wet with potential snowfall at higher elevations.
The lower number is more typical of northern forests that receive heavy snowfall; the higher number is common in southerly areas with high summer rainfall.
In the snowiest years the snowfall can exceed 20 meters (65.6 feet) in some places in high altitudes.
Temperatures can be cool to cold in winter with frequent frosts and snowfall and are rarely hot in summer due to the elevation.
The route is closed during winter due to heavy snowfall.
There are reports of heavy snowfalls in the winters of 1665, 1744 and 1886.

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