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Übersetzungen für sovereign debt im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Sovereign debt usually refers to government debt that has been issued in a foreign currency.
When money buys bonds, sovereign credit cancels sovereign debt.
Similarly, sovereign debt owed to commercial creditors in the late 1980s was principally held by bank syndicates.
In terms of foreign exchange, particularly of sovereign debt, inflation corresponds to currency devaluation.
If a government or sovereign is close to default on its debt the media often refers to this as a sovereign debt crisis.
A dramatic rise in the interest rate faced by a government due to fear that it will fail to honor its debt is sometimes called a sovereign debt crisis.
A deep-seated banking crisis has transmogrified into a sovereign debt crisis.
As a consequence of this pathological increase in their sovereign debt, countries are forced to pay huge amounts of interests without obtaining any real counterpart.
This would help to alleviate the impact of failing banks on the sovereign debt of individual states.
After 1973, private banks had an influx of funds from oil-rich countries and believed that sovereign debt was a safe investment.

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