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squeezy [ˈskwɪ:zi] ADJ

ˈlem·on-squeezy ADJ Brit sl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

squeezy bottle

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Try making these at home; it's easy, peazy, lemon squeezy!
Each of these aspects brings out contrary kinds of matter, with contrary tactile sensations: unresisting, hard, squeezy.
Seating is fine for two in the back, but squeezy for three.
This would eliminate the straps and squeezy-edged grippers that are currently used.
The unit will also have the packaging capabilities in squeezy, glass and flexible pack options.
It was nominally a four-seater, but the rear seat was a little squeezy and not made to accommodate adults over the long haul.
The squeezy bottle is unique in the trade and will ensure we continue to capture the interest of the key younger consumer.
At team lunches you'll see them use it three times, notably after handling the communal squeezy ketchup.
It's a bit squeezy for shoulder-room there for three adults, but three kids will be fine.
Sounds like a great little car though the rear seat looks a little squeezy?

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