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Übersetzungen für stare down im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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stare down, stare out VERB trans Brit, Aus

1. stare down (outstare):

to stare down [or out] sb

2. stare down scherzh (make go away):

to stare down sth [or out]

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Nobody needs to lose time from work or stare down the other guy in court.
But there are people here who stare down the "development at any price" boosters and seek better outcomes.
Then, in a burst of static, we see first-hand what it's like to be resurrected by science; lab technicians stare down at us.
He was rarely hurried and had extra time to stare down the receiver on a number of his big plays.
For some, playing online was enough, but others needed to be able to stare down their opponents face-to-face.
You're throwing one-on-ones, so, of course, you're gon na stare down your receiver, but challenge yourself.
In jugalbandi face off with the instrumental masters, he could stare down the best of the best.
But how many directors have to stare down death threats and violent mobs just to get their movies made?
The animals engage in a long stare down until suddenly the giraffe make a sudden move as if to charge at the lions.
In addition, evil spirits stare down from the dark clouds above.

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