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Übersetzungen für submissiveness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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sub·mis·sive·ness [səbˈmɪsɪvnəs] SUBST no pl

submissiveness (obedience)
submissiveness (subservience)
submissiveness (humbleness)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They alternate between aggression and submissiveness, fidgety restraint and turbulent fantasy.
The two characters have much in common, regarding their level of ineptitude and submissiveness to more powerful characters.
True women were supposed to possess four cardinal virtues: piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness.
Shyness, fearfulness, over submissiveness, aloofness, lack of biddability, or aggression (especially toward humans) are all traits that can occur.
In short, the new good child was a paragon of dutiful submissiveness, refined virtue, and appropriate sensibility.
It was true -- the creepiest thing about all of this wasn't even the robot handjob, but the melancholic submissiveness of the avatar they'd rendered.
Submissiveness and necessity led me to the theater; propensity for and the love of this work emboldened me to write.
Forthright principle, not simpering submissiveness, should guide our path.

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