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Übersetzungen für subnational government im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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subnational government SUBST STAAT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many subnational government workers function as de facto federal bureaucrats.
However, there is international pressure to bind subnational governments to procurement rules prohibiting domestic content quotas on all purchases above certain low thresholds.
Unlike nation-states, of course, these subnational governments are not sovereign actors, and do not, for instance, command an army or send ambassadors.
This shows that the subnational governments grew their external debts by 68.44 per cent within the five-year period.
Will the subnational government then subsidize these state offices?
The central government further established special economic zones within the coastal provinces, which the relevant subnational governments have operated and expanded upon, even establishing sister city relations internationally.
Meaning, greater political and administrative autonomy for the subnational government should be complemented with more comprehensive and far-reaching taxation and revenue-raising powers.
It works best where members of subnational government have strong traditions of democracy, accountability and professionalism.
Pension funds and offshore investors have a large appetite for long-term subnational government lending because of its stability.
In some countries, subnational governments require wage withholding so that both national and subnational taxes may be withheld.

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