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Übersetzungen für tennis racket im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈten·nis rack·et, ˈten·nis racquet SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He plays by taping the tennis racket to his hand.
By the age of three his father had given him his first tennis racket, with part of the handle sawn off to fit his grip.
She hears a noise and grabs a tennis racket for defense, and puts a whistle in her mouth.
Usually, he hits his tennis racket in her head when she does not see him behind her.
She uses a tennis racket for a launcher in the first season.
Yes, like the rugby player holding a tennis racket, who obviously practiced for a different game.
There was a picture doing the rounds of late of a tennis racket slicing through some jelly.
Ideally, the septa that cause the multilocular feature are thin and straight, producing a tennis racket or stepladder pattern.
Stringing (material, pattern, tension) is an important factor in the performance of a tennis racket.
She hits him over the head with a tennis racket.

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