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Übersetzungen für thuggish im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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thug·gish [ˈθʌgɪʃ] ADJ ugs

a thuggish looking guy

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a thuggish looking guy

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He has persistently called on soccers governing bodies to crack down on thuggish play and to reverse the trend of low scoring.
It has dealt with labour issues in a consistently thuggish manner.
Its new police force proved to be a major improvement in outlook and behavior over its thuggish predecessor but was not fully able to deter crime.
The artifacts have revealed a picture of the pirates quite unlike their popular image as thuggish white men with sabers.
He was attending a retreat to get rid of his thuggish ways.
Unfortunately, in trying to push for that agenda, we have met so many thuggish obstacles, including violence and the rigging of elections.
The role of thuggish unions adding significant costs through bribes is another factor.
His character is also very different from the more familiar version of himself (and even the earlier prototype versions), having a much more aggressive, arrogant, almost thuggish personality.
She tends to be thuggish, very aggressive and lazy.
Last week the president personally attended the trial while thuggish supporters threw eggs and bottles at the defendants outside the courthouse.

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