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Übersetzungen für thud im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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II . thud [θʌd] SUBST

Bums m <-es, -e> ugs
thud of hooves/shoes

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

dull ache/thud

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They marched along the principal street for some distance, with kettle-drums thudding behind each company, and were received with apparent joy by the citizens.
This, they say, means the album's probable themethe crushing effect growing up has on teenage dreamsseems to get lost among the thud and blunder.
It begins with staccato electro synths and handclaps then follows with thudding, slightly syncopated drum programming.
Your blows connect with a solid, visceral thud you can almost feel.
At autobahn speed the car was said to be able to soak up every pimple and declivity without so much as a solitary thud.
Occasionally there had been a muffled thud or deadened explosion within the ship.
Two other technicians working within the laboratory witnessed a bright flash of blue light followed by the sound of a thud.
The return of the scherzo is now complemented by threatening thuds from the bass drum and brass.
A dull thud was heard throughout the boat, and no explosion occurred.
In the night he hears a thud and runs from his room, because it was his father sneaking in.

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