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Übersetzungen für timorous im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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tim·or·ous [ˈtɪmərəs, Am -ɚəs] ADJ form liter

timorous (shy)
timorous (fearful)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The more timorous are afraid he might take them down with him.
The exultation of the timorous stay-at-homes was rotten and debased.
His expression is timorous, his finger is pressed against his mouth in alarm as he silently demands discretion or prudence.
Throughout, supporters delighted at what they considered a willingness to say what other more timorous and calculated politicians refused.
The realisation that these gatherings were a waste of time (and taxpayers' money) was verified repeatedly by this timorous dictum.
Her excuse for not voting was as lame as it was timorous.
This is because their ghoulish appearance conceals a basically timorous nature.
In this way the name would be used as a nickname for a timorous, lecherous, or fat person - words that all describe this particular bird.
Apart from the extravagant asking price, timorous locals believe the house is cursed and won't set foot in the place.
It signified yet another triumph for the besetting national vice -- of settling for a lazy, timorous consensus.

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