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Übersetzungen für undergird im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But these are minor violations among monks who, for the most part, undergird their communities with acts of kindness and teachings of mercy.
We don't know what is driving this attitude and further study is required to better understand what undergirds this feeling.
Beyond that, the technology that undergirds its vehicles is also stunning.
It undergirds the whole film because it finally serves to associate the world of light, order, and vitality with the world of darkness, chaos, lunacy and death.
Emotions provide the scaffolding for the construction of social cognition and are required for the self processes which undergird consciousness.
Always nice to have some outdated essentialism to undergird the bad guys' logic, right?
There are many core values that undergird the constitution, and stability is one of them.
One might disagree with my analysis or the research that undergirds it, but to describe this as a "low-stakes cocktail party argument" is bizarre.
We must become advocates for social justice and this need must begin to undergird the discussions and, most importantly, the actions we as psychologists take.
There are many changes that occurred since the founders put together the documents that undergird our government, and we've worked with those changes.

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