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Übersetzungen für unrealized capital gain im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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unrealized capital gain SUBST INV-FIN


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Non-registered investments would be subject to a departure tax, which is effectively an acceleration of accrued but unrealized capital gains to a theoretical or actual sale.
Investment real estate with unrealized capital gains.
This triggers any unrealized capital gains and results in immediate tax.
It is also targeting a return on equity of 13 percent, adjusted to exclude unrealized capital gains on bonds and other items, by 2018.
However, we do not find a similar relation with unrealized capital gains.
Salaries tax is also charged on the unrealized capital gain of shares or options granted as part of an employee share scheme that are subject to a vesting period.
But the fund could also have unrealized capital gains.
It also means you won't be taxed on the unrealized capital gain of the asset.
But there would be no departure tax to pay on accrued by unrealized capital gains.
If there is an unrealized capital gain accrued within the investment, part of this gain would have to be reported, potentially resulting in a tax liability for the parent. 2.

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