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ad va·lo·rem duty [ˌædvəˈlɔ:rəm] SUBST WIRTSCH

ad valorem duty
Wertzoll m <-(e)s, -zölle>
ad valorem duty

ad va·lo·rem ˈgoods SUBST Pl WIRTSCH

ad va·lo·rem ˈtar·iff SUBST WIRTSCH

ad valorem tariff

ad va·lo·rem ˈtax SUBST WIRTSCH

ad valorem tax
Wertzoll m <-(e)s, -zölle>
ad valorem tax

ad valorem duty SUBST STAAT

ad valorem duty

ad va·lo·rem tax [ˌædvəˈlɔ:rəm] SUBST WIRTSCH

ad valorem tax
Wertzoll m <-(e)s, -zölle>
ad valorem tax

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The fiscal 2013 budget includes an increased ad valorem tax rate to increase funding for maintenance and operations; increased water service rates are also included in the budget.
By contrast, an ad valorem tax is a charge based on a fixed percentage of the product value.
It is an indirect tax, typically on an ad valorem basis, applicable to a production process or stage.
Stamp duty is predominantly levied ad valorem (ie, as a percentage of the transaction consideration or on the market value of the property).
The law replaced most ad valorem rates with specific duties assessed on a good-by-good basis.
It also capped the cess on pan masala at 135 percent ad valorem.
An example of a "state of being" tax is an ad valorem property taxwhich is not an excise.
As a result, we propose to reduce the ad valorem rate by 2.5 percent on all excisable goods except on spirits and cigarette.
In contrast to ad valorem taxation is a "per unit" tax, where the tax base is the quantity of something, regardless of its price.
They also levied an ad valorem tax on property of 35.25 cents per $100 valuation and a poll tax of 73.75 cents.

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