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Übersetzungen für wedding breakfast im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈwed·ding break·fast SUBST Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

From a red carpet arrival and crisp, white linens to a gourmet wedding breakfast, all your needs will be taken care of.
The dress will cost thousands; after the ceremony there will be a wedding breakfast and later a disco, necessitating the hire of a large venue.
So the newly-weds headed to the wharf area for their wedding breakfast.
In a break with the sit-down wedding breakfast traditional at royal weddings, the meal will be served buffet style.
Who was that woman trying to get in to the wedding breakfast?
When preparing a wedding breakfast, the chefs make sure that there is always surplus food for the staff.
The wedding - in a church or registry office - was followed by the wedding breakfast, typically in the church hall, with tinned salmon and lemonade.
Add some long wooden tables and benches for the wedding breakfast and full size trees or twigs either natural or sprayed white or silver.
However, this bunch looks like it's been uprooted from the top table at some starchy old-fashioned wedding breakfast.
Nowadays the wedding breakfast is not normally a morning meal, so its name can be confusing.

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