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Übersetzungen für ELT im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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ELT [ˌi:elˈti:] SUBST

ELT kurz f. English language teaching


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During their attempt, they are tracked by the ELT.
Through the ELT initiative, schools agree to increase learning time for their students by at least 30% in exchange for an increase in their state per-pupil funding.
This information is used to estimate an effective lifetime temperature or ELT which is then used in the dating calculation.
After a while, the leading ELT found the necessary reagents and analyzed samples from both steam generators on the top hat in reactor compartment upper level.
The ELT, utilizing the same communications outlets, then makes public call outs for the individual teams that manage the day-to-day operations of the event teams.
The ELT was not able to send signals strong enough due to its broken antenna caused by the crash.
The subsequent editions of the dictionary were and continue to be a great commercial success in ELT publishing.
The team leads are chosen by the ELT, and there are typically 2-5 people chosen to lead each team.
With the expanding of the missions assigned to the ELT it was decided to create a new squadron which would take on its missions and personnel.
Enforcement is a key pillar of this ELT scheme and, without it, the scheme simply won't work.

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