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Übersetzungen für else im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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else [els] ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During the nineteenth century, the poor people drank little else but water (of poor quality), sometimes watery coffee (or chicory) or tea.
He stated that this is the best rock record of the year by such a margin that you actually feel rather embarrassed for everybody else.
This government is for those who have nobody else to fall back upon.
Some of us are haunted by memories and experiences that seem to bear down on everything else.
Either the messages can not be read (i.e., decrypted) or someone else (with the lost grille) may be reading them.
When he is unable to find anything else less lethal, he begins to connect the gas containers to a central air pump.
Someone else will have to hammer out the logistics, but if they can make it work, they should.
This digitization of mental information allows both the transference of one's mind to someone else's body, and the theft and alteration of other people's memories.
If nothing else, that reply gives a good idea of the brush-off householders can expect to receive if they complain when the tariff rates they were promised are cut.
We must either have no college at all or else have one that may be in all respects worthy of the name.

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