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Übersetzungen für aghast im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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aghast [əˈgɑ:st, Am əˈgæst] ADJ

Beispielsätze für aghast

aghast at sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many of the newspaper critics who had caught wind of the preparations for this new production were aghast and were saying so.
Don, who values his privacy highly, is aghast that his extramarital escapades are being gossiped about, and immediately ends the affair.
She takes him under her wing and helps him repair his relationship with his wife, who had been aghast to discover his gambling habits.
The same article noted that he would likely be aghast to find himself on this list, since it reduces his self-styled radicalism to mere liberalism.
As a young widow, she was aghast by the social inequalities inherent in her own neighborhood.
Everyone was aghast at the vehemence of the speech, and all three ladies were deeply upset.
He saw my aghast expression and turned, then we both fled, escaping into different rooms.
Many of the reformers were left aghast by this, and further negotiations were hobbled by contentiousness.
His father hears the noise and comes in, horrified and aghast.
Since these were important positions, the senators were aghast at their being placed in the hands of former slaves.

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